岩手県立大学 社会福祉学部 岩手県立大学 社会福祉学研究科


Graduate School of Social Welfare

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Master of Social Welfare

An Interdisciplinary Approach

In this changing society, structures and challenges in the social welfare field are more complicated and diversified. The Graduate School of Social Welfare seeks to develop human resources who have strong insights, expertise, and techniques as well as develop a holistic perspective on welfare policy and clinical welfare. The master’s program is a major in social welfare studies and has two courses; the Comprehensive Welfare Course and the Clinical Psychology Course. They are both developed on the basis of comprehensive and basic education and research at a graduate school and designed according to diverse and interdisciplinary natures of research in the social welfare field.

Major areas of research


The Comprehensive Welfare Course

This education and research course aims to integrate a clinical setting including elderly people, people with disabilities, and children, dimensions including policy, public administration, organization and activities and regional and international perspectives to develop and master general practical skills and the wisdom behind them.

The Clinical Psychology Course

Trends and challenges in the clinical psychology field are becoming more diversified and complicated in the welfare services. This education and research course aims for students to develop and master highly specialized theories and techniques in clinical psychology and other fields based on a general perspective on welfare.