岩手県立大学 社会福祉学部 岩手県立大学 社会福祉学研究科


Graduate School of Social Welfare

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Ph.D. in Social Welfare

New Horizons in Research

The doctoral program is based on the twin pillars of promoting research and development aimed at building welfare communities, and evidence-based practical theory (EBPT) and research methodology. Students build their research themes from a constructive perspective that embraces the conventional social welfare area as well as multifaceted needs while exploring theories that could lead to solving specific problems by utilizing demonstrative data. Keys for this general problem solving includes verification of the process in which the challenges at the welfare setting occurred, evaluation of practical theories that respond to the challenges, and evaluation of research theories that support them.

Major areas of Research

Verifying theories on social welfare and related science

  • History of social welfare theory
  • Comparative verification of different theories on social welfare
  • Research on value in social welfare
  • Field research theory
  • Principle of social work, etc

Planning and developing welfare systems

  • Methodological and theoretical development of community welfare
  • Research on governance and systems for welfare policy
  • Research on sensory information processing and compensation techniques
  • Welfare engineering research of living environments
  • Developmental research of welfare systems based on practical theory, etc.

Verifying practical theory and effectiveness of evaluation

  • Evidence-based evaluation and research of practicing human services
  • Research on living environments, elderly care and living support
  • Research on mental health in various clinical settings
  • Research on cognition and emotion
  • Linguistic research in welfare psychological assistance